Okay noobs and addicts! Here is a good one for you. I was a scout and our motto across the globe is “Be Prepared.” But 3 laptops, 4 pairs of shoes, hair straightener, cosmetics, French perfume, and no clothes sums a traveller with serious organizational issues. Unfortunately I was never one of those “diligent” packers. At camp, I always ended up borrowing stuff, save for personal things, just to redeem myself. Some life incidences later on will have you know there are things best forgotten, at home that is.
You have been made aware of what things you can’t live without. Now here are things that you must not take when setting off on a travel expeditions of more than 1 week.
1. A soap bar – Liquid body washes in tiny bottles allowable for airport transport. They are sealable, tiny, and orderly. A soap bar, like the main road, gets, slimy, slippery, and suicidal when wet. Drop your toiletries, buy them off 7/11 and you’re better off.
2. Hiking boots – These kinds are sturdy and safe, but did I mention heavy and a major pain to wear or carry? If your voyage involves forests, trees, and mountains, ditch the hiking shoes, and even the extra shoes you’re about to pack. Lightweight trainers and toughie thongs mean comfort and freedom.
3. Optic camera – Honestly, unless you’re paid for by Nat Geo to travel and take snaps, DON’T! There are unspeakable bucolic views in Thessaloniki or the fjords of the Faroe Islands, but I doubt a smile will appear after hours of lugging an optical camera. A good lightweight digital camera with decent specs is not impossible to find.
4. Jewelry and cosmetics – If you must bring them, choose wise. Jewelry is totally ex-ed without question, but cosmetics-wise, leave your primer, foundation, corrective concealers, etc. Buy a travellers kit from Lancome or Dior which comes with everything in a small compact. As for skin care, ask your department store for travel-pack sizes.
5. Travel bowls and cutlery – Save for travelling in the wilderness of Burma or the Amazon, these are thingamajigs that you can live not having. Bring a spork and a Swiss knife instead. In most places, the authentic dining ware is part of the gastronomic experience, but should cleanliness be the issue, simply don’t go where doubtful.
6. Jeans – They just take so long to dry. So either wear just one pair or find a classy lightweight alternative such as a casual pair of slacks which will also look good with thongs.
7. Towel – These are space eaters that like jeans are hard to dry and gets heavier when wet. Take a travel-size towel or face towel for a quick dry up.
8. Laptops, iPods, books, and games – True backpackers know that boredom barely takes place. The essence of backpacking is looking for adventures in a new place gratis and natural as possible.
9. Work – If you can, leave your work behind. Experiences happen in travels from the wake of dawn to the dark of night, even while you sleep in some cases. Don’t take the chance to miss anything. Besides, the look of a worried workaholic has the tendency of warding off small curious socializing, the chance to meet awesome people.
Backpacking is an individual’s chance to connect and give something to the place they travel to-the lesser distractions, the absolute better. In any case, you may disregard or value these suggestions. I don’t care, I won’t know. It still is best to acknowledge the simple formula to doing anything, “whatever makes you happy”.
Josh Boorman
Backpacking Addictz
Twitter: @backpackaddictz

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