As the world watches the horrific scenes taking places on the streets of Bangkok we all really hope that peace and order can soon be found as soon as possible.
I am a huge fan of Thailand, I have traveled there on 5 seperate occasions and to be frank I love the Thai people, their culture, their hospitality and their general outlook on life. However, it breaks my heart to see the uncontrollable violence and damage that is sweeping the streets of Bangkok.
It is a well known fact that Thai politics is somewhat unpredictable and often chaotic, but surely there must be a more proactive solution to the political problems in Thailand – I don’t think nor do I believe that violence and damage is the answer.
The other sad thing to hear out of media reports is the fact that organised terrorists have infiltrated the “Red Shirt” protesters and have severley inflated the tensions and violence between the Thai Army and the protestors. This is unacceptable should such reports prove to be true and these people ought to be brought to justice before a court.
The other issue which is almost as horrific as terrorists infiltrating the protestors is the fact that the Thai Army have been accused of firing live ammunition at protestors and Thai nationals. Clearly, such behaviour is only going to fuel more violence and undoubtedly take lives.
From a traveling point of view it is sad to see the wonderful and enigmatic city of Bangkok turned into a war zone however in saying and seeing this I have full confidence in the Thai people to once again bring Bangkok back to the fun, bustling and lively city that it is best known for to travelers all over the world.
According to media reports the violence really only appears to be central to the city of Bangkok which means the other fantastic areas of Thailand are as enticing as ever to the foreign backpacker or traveler.
However, until tensions do calm down and the anarchy within Bangkok is restored we can only suggest for all backpackers and travelers to steer clear of the unpredictable areas of Bangkok city for now. I believe that safety is the number 1 priority when backpacking and there is no reason that any backpacker should feel the need to compromise their safety by being in amongst the chaos and violence at the present time.
I would certainly like to hear the feelings that people have in regards to the current turmoil surrounding, what is know as “Beautiful Bangkok”which has now turned into “Bangkok Dangerous”!!!
Josh Boorman
Backpacking Addictz
Twitter: @backpackaddictz
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Tom Volpe
May 19, 2010Interesting article on a tragic situation. I love Bangkok, its a great city and I’m really sorry to see this happening. Hopefully the government and the protesters will step away from the brink and come to a peaceful solution.
May 19, 2010G’day Tom
Yes it certainly is heartbreaking to see the events unfold the way they are in Bangkok. Hopefully each side can Find some sense and negotiate their problems in a more civil manner because violence and destruction is NOT the answer and is not doing either side any favours not to mention the people of Thailand.
Tom I like you site “heading there” drop me a line if you want to link exchange?
Josh Boorman
Michael Anthony
May 21, 2010WOW ! very sad events ! I am not even going to go there on this subject !! This type of violence is unexceptable ! I know diplomacy does always work , But……
Thanks Josh for the post ! What site of Tom s ?
Michael Anthony
May 21, 2010SAD !!! but good photos !!!
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