- Finding Mt Phou Si
- Climbing Mt Phou Si
- Mt Phou Si scenic views
- Refreshing Kuang Si waterfalls
Basically for the rest of the day I took in a few of the local sights around town. I began with a walk around the town that led me to a steep set of stairs at the foot of the mini mountain smack bang in the centre of town. The mountain was Mount Phou Si.
These stairs led me to a point half way up the mountain where I had to pay an entrance fee of 20,000 kip to trek to the top of the mountain.
Once I reached the top of Mount Phou Si I realised that it was 20,000 well spent as the view was simply magic. South East Asia never ceases to amaze with the constant barrage of incredibly scenic views that keep popping up before my eyes.
I was pretty exhausted after the climb to the top and decided to find myself a nice quiet place on top of the mountain right in front a the golden Wat That Chom Sii which lights up in a majestic golden yellow shine.
While Phou Si Mountain is a sight by itself, it is endowed with a number of shrines and a central monastery. With my Beer Lao singlet off and my new book out I was basking in the glorious and hot Laotian sun – not having a worry in the world I was free, surrounded by amazing scenic views and completely in my element.
Not before long I started to burn so I quickly made my way down the extremely steep 300 odd steps, which I must admit was a lot easier than, climbing them is the hot and humid heat of Luang Prabang.
What an amazing mountain this is and quite a workout might I add. After speaking with other locals apparently it is quite a sight climbing the mountain and watching the sunrise on a clear day. Nevertheless, the scenic views were incredible and well worth every single steep step to the top of the mountain. I strongly reccommend to anyone visiting Luang Prabang to climb this mountain and enjoy its majestic and magical aura.
Ofcourse if you do decide to climb Mt Phou Si in the middle of the day in stinking hot and humid weather then you can always refresh yourself by take a short trip out to the local waterfalls and swimming water holes. These swimming spots are beautiful features of Luang Prabang in itself. The Kuang Si waterfalls are refreshing and amazing.
After my days adventures I decided to hit the town and get a bite to eat and catch up on some internet . I visited a local café where I jumped on the internet and was able to respond to a number of emails – friends and contacts who had responded to my large group email reporting on my travel adventures. I also checked out my favourite current affairs website www.news.com.au which is a great website for keeping me up to date with all news and current affairs back home in Australia whilst I am off gallivanting around the world. Just as important I made sure to check up on all the latest rugby league result from back home as well.
I Love Luang Prabang!!
Josh Boorman
Backpacking Addictz
Twitter: @backpackaddictz
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1 Comment
April 8, 2010Thanks for the bookmark Shelton.
Patricia thanks for the kind comments.
I will aim to keep the content fresh and regular, stay in touch guys 🙂
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