After settling in to Hoi An and searching for a quality tailor I randomly bumped into some Aussie friends that I had become friends with when I was in Hanoi. Jen, Clarke and Toby were getting measured up at one of the Impressions tailors for some new threads, we were all very excited to randomly bump into each other and immediately went to a bar for a few drinks.
After a few alcoholic refreshments we all went and rented some push bikes and rode down to the beach for the rest of the afternoon. The beach was so so, it was nothing special, no waves, average sand and lots of little harmless but annoying jellyfish.
We headed back to the centre of town and I split off from the others where I went back to the guesthouse for an later afternoon siesta.
I awoke and got ready to meet Toby, Clarke and Jon for dinner just across the road from my guesthouse and what don you know there were two new additions to the backpacking crew – Zoe (Australia) and Patsi (Canada). Zoe and Patsi met each other in Saigon working as volunteers in an orphanage and decided to continue backpacking together after they finished their work at the orphanage. They were a really cool and friendly couple of girls.
Dinner was interesting, we could have sworn that some of the chicken was some other bird and the beef was perhaps rat or some other rodent, but hey you know what they say when in Rome. We just closed our eyes and washed it down with some fresh beer Saigon.
After dinner we all decided to head to a bar called the “Happy King Kong Bar”. We had all heard about this bar from other backpackers which we had met on our travels.
When we got to the bar I was shocked at how small the venue was, it was almost like a small walk in street shop with a small level upstairs. You would walk up some shoddy steps into the venure which was simply just a large open room with a pool table in the middle and some bar stools littered around the place. There was a bar to get your drinks at the back part of the venue. To the side of the bottom level there was a stair case which took you upstairs to where there were more chairs and some couches to chill on.
I couldn’t believe how out of control and wild this place was, it was fucking mental and going off. The small club/bar was chock a block full of people running around, jumping around, dancing around, smashing down shots of moonshine vodka, smoking cigarettes (both legal and the illegal kind) and it has some really cool party tune pumping. The place was full of backpackers and some locals just letting loose on life and having a great time.
After a couple of hours of partying the craziness seemed to step up another level and the party goers stop playing pool and just started dancing around of the pool table. The bar sounded a siren and everybody raced to the bar to get some free shots of vodka moonshine.
The place whilst pretty beat up simply oozed of backpacking culture and history as there were poems, stories, quotes and messages graffittied all of the the walls, ceilings, floors and any other surface in the venue.
Happy King Kong Bar was going off!
After we were good and proper drunk we left the King Kong bar and headed back to the Green Field Hotel where Jen, Toby and Clarke were staying. It was about 2am and we all stripped down and went for a swim in the pool. In our drunken ways we must have been making far too much noise as the security guard came around and told us to pack up and shit and move on our of the pool. We were having so much fun and there were a few random pool pashes which may have eventuated into something more.
Don’t kiss and tell right?
Josh Boorman
Backpacking Addictz
Twitter: @backpackaddictz

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